Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Back in Lyon - Things Changed and Things the Same

We’re back in Lovely Lyon!  All unpacked and settled in, but still dealing with jet-lag.  Seems to be taking us longer – one of the many “benefits” of getting older?

We enjoyed our morning café crème and pastry at one of our favorite boulangeries a short walk away.  They had sold out of Anna’s favorite morning pastry, chausson au pommes, but, of course, there were a lot of other choices.  The lady who waited on us was new to us, but one of the bakers (owners?) saw us from the kitchen and came out to say hello.  It’s nice to be back in the ‘hood!

The beauty salon across the street from us, the one that Anna has gone to whenever we’ve been in Lyon, is gone.  Not just changed ownership – GONE! The signs say it will soon become a “healthy” eating establishment.  Somehow that seems wrong on multiple levels:

·         It’s hard enough to find a new beauty salon in the US; Anna finds the search even more complex here.

·         France and especially Lyon are renowned for their amazing cuisine – the sauces, the interesting combinations of flavors, and the delicious cheeses.  Who needs another “healthy” place to eat?

But, back to “things the same”….

·         One of David’s first stops on arrival was Mons, our favorite fromagerie in Les Halles Paul Bocuse, a very short walk away.  Unfortunately, they only had 14 month Comté (David prefers his Comté aged a bit more-you can sometimes get it up to 27 months), but they did have Anna’s favorite Bleu d’Auvergne.  Cheese from Mons, a fresh baguette, a glass of wine, and we definitely know we have arrived in Lyon!

·         And, there’s “our” corner Mono Prix, our small, neighborhood grocery store.  We were greeted by the same security guard who has been greeting us warmly with a big smile as long as we’ve been going there.  And, it seemed to be “old home week”!  Our neighbor and friend, Bern (Bernadette), “our” security guard, AND a checker we have been chatting with for years were all there at the same time.  It was great to chat, laugh, and catch up with some of our “old” Lyon friends.

It feels good to be back!