Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas in Lyon - Gatherings (4)

A Family Christmas

Quite some time ago Chantal, Estelle’s mother, invited us to the family Christmas Day celebration at her place. We were very honored and, of course, accepted her invitation. It had snowed earlier in the week, and the temperatures remained below freezing. The sidewalks were icy and slippery, but the scenery was lovely as we rode the Tram to Chantal’s neighborhood.

Side Note: For those of you interested in planning and architecture, the complex Chantal lives in was designed by Tony Garnier. (Just like the facility where the wine tasting was held.) His idea was to create a complex of reasonably-priced, low-rise apartment buildings arranged in squares with park-like areas in the middle. Those in charge later ended up extending the heights of the buildings to work in more units, but the central park areas remain.

We had been told to arrive around noon. David, with his unerring sense of direction, got us to Chantal’s door right on time. (Anna remains totally directionally challenged.) Our contribution to dinner was a bûche de noël; we also brought our gifts for Estelle, Laurent, and their boys, a book for Marius, Estelle’s 2-year old nephew, and hostess and Christmas gifts for Chantal.

When we got there, Chantal and Bérengère, Estelle’s sister, were bustling around getting the table and food ready while Bérengère’s husband entertained Marius. It’s really too bad we didn’t get a picture of the table at that point – it was beautiful! In addition to her lovely place settings, Chantal had placed a gift bag (green or red) at each place at the table; it looked truly festive. Soon Chantal’s brother and sister-in-law arrived, followed by a sister and brother-in-law along with their son and his wife, and daughter and her fiancé. This was followed by introductions, handshakes, and bises all around. Then Estelle and her family arrived. More greetings, a flurry of gift exchanges, and then time to begin eating.

Chantal had prepared one of those amazing, multi-course French dinners where there seems to be no end to the food and one wonders how to fit in another single bite but somehow manages to fit in another 2-3 courses. We essentially conversed, ate, and drank from around noon to 8:00 PM when Estelle and Laurent drove us home.

We feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to share Christmas Day with this lovely, warm, friendly family. It is certainly a Christmas we will remember fondly for years to come.

Couldn't quite get the whole table in. This was taken during the first course (an amazing cream of celery soup with cheese puffs, variious spreads on toast rounds, etc.)

Paul and Estelle's cousin, Benjamin, mesmerized by Hex Bugs.  (That's a quiche with smoked salmon on the plates.)

Estelle with the scarf she made for Anna decorated with our grandchildren's footprints (at birth) to make their initials, X and V. (Jill scanned and emailed the footprints to her.)

Paul and Victor showing us some of their presents.

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