We’ve mentioned that we live a couple of blocks away from one of the largest shopping centers in France. This place has every kind of store imaginable: Carrefour (think Fred Meyer Store on steroids), FNAC (a large electronics store), Decathalon (a giant store devoted to outdoor activities that sells everything from skis and bikes to many, many different kinds of gloves and socks – all at very reasonable prices), Decitre (a store that’s primarily devoted to books, but has other stuff, too), a movie theater, some great toy stores, restaurants, and, of course, a myriad of clothing and shoe stores. (I’m sure I’m leaving out something, but you get the idea.)
Apparently, every Spring for the last ten years, La Part Dieu has hosted a three-day fashion show. There are actually two different shows each day: the first features local fashion designers, and the second features several stores in the shopping center. Here's what the venue looks like. We watched from the second level.
We didn’t make it to the first show, but there has been a ton of publicity about it. I’ll share some of that with you here:

1. Les poupées, une ligne de vêtements alternative aux tendances d’aujourd’hui : colorées et décalées ! (alternative styles, colors, and designs to what we are used to today)
2. Alexander Shabanov, tout droit venu de Russie pour présenter des créations structurées et modernes à base de matériaux originaux tels que le plastique ou le verre (actually a Russian designer who likes to create ultra-modern styles and incorporate different materials – like plastic and vinyl- in his clothing. You won’t see much of his stuff on the street!)
3. Rose Carbone, des robes aux tons girly, rock et rétro (a line of casual wear, nighties, etc. that are light and “girly” with some retro and rock elements thrown in for good measure – note the retro flavor of the picture)
4. Les Tentativas, une collection de prêt-à-porter féminin chic et très élégante (a ready-to-wear line that runs the gamut from feminine and sensual to chic and elegant)
5. Les Gribouilleuses, des beaux basiques aux détails fleuris, des coupes tendances et des tissus de qualité 100 % français (I actually like this line ! Lovely, basic cuts/designs and quality materials)
6. Bonchicbonchien, une collection originale pour une mode canine hype !( yes that’s designer fashion for dogs)

1. Les poupées, une ligne de vêtements alternative aux tendances d’aujourd’hui : colorées et décalées ! (alternative styles, colors, and designs to what we are used to today)
2. Alexander Shabanov, tout droit venu de Russie pour présenter des créations structurées et modernes à base de matériaux originaux tels que le plastique ou le verre (actually a Russian designer who likes to create ultra-modern styles and incorporate different materials – like plastic and vinyl- in his clothing. You won’t see much of his stuff on the street!)
3. Rose Carbone, des robes aux tons girly, rock et rétro (a line of casual wear, nighties, etc. that are light and “girly” with some retro and rock elements thrown in for good measure – note the retro flavor of the picture)
4. Les Tentativas, une collection de prêt-à-porter féminin chic et très élégante (a ready-to-wear line that runs the gamut from feminine and sensual to chic and elegant)
5. Les Gribouilleuses, des beaux basiques aux détails fleuris, des coupes tendances et des tissus de qualité 100 % français (I actually like this line ! Lovely, basic cuts/designs and quality materials)
6. Bonchicbonchien, une collection originale pour une mode canine hype !( yes that’s designer fashion for dogs)
The second show featured a variety of stores in the center: Tommy Hilfiger(this store's selection was pretty boring – nothing new or impressive), Gap (sound familiar so far?), Cyrillus, MonoPrix, Desigual, Mango, Lafayette, and Createurs. The outfits were shown store-by-store so each store could show their representative spring clothing at the same time. In spite of the wide range of clothing stores, there were some consistencies:
• Scarves! In every design possible, worn in many different ways (around the neck), and with a wide range of clothing styles.
• Short Shorts. Again, in a variety of styles and fabrics – everything from worn denim to tailored suits. Sometimes worn with tights, sometimes without.
• Platform shoes. Both flats and heels and lots of sandals. Again, both casual and formal styles.
• Skirt length – two choices: short (definitely above the knee) or just above the ankle. Not much in between.
• Pants – the “capri” length seems to be gone. The pants we saw were ankle-length and either tight or quite baggy. Again, not much in between.
• As far as fabrics and designs…what I am calling the “patchwork” patterns were well represented, lots of bright colors, and lots of fabrics covered with small flowers (I’m sure there’s a name for this – I just can’t think of it.)
So there you have it - Spring fashion in Lyon!
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