Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lunch with the Del Cano group

We all learned in school that Magellan circumnavigated the globe, right?  Wrong!  Actually, Magellan died in the Philippines in April 1521, and a man named Juan Sebastián del Cano took over command and completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth.  But, who’s ever heard of Mr. del Cano?  One might say he’s the poster child for unsung heroes.
Map of the Magellan (and del Cano!) voyage
So, we found it interesting that the British group of ex-RAF folks in Lyon was named Del Cano.  (David, the master of trivia, knew, of course, who del Cano was, but Anna had to admit she had never heard of him.)  If you think about it, every war has its share of unsung heroes – and, they are likely the very people who just get the job done.  That’s what makes Del Cano the perfect name for a group of ex-RAF members.  Even now people in France find remains of an RAF pilot or crew member from WWII, and a representative from Del Cano will be called upon to represent the British community and provide a Union Jack for the proper burial for yet another unsung WWII hero. 
Main dining area of the restaurant - the room Del Cano
meets in is actually an ancient cistern - through the archway
in the back.  That is the proprietor on the left, holding
coffee cups.
Anyway, the Lyon Del Cano group meets once a month, and we “colonials” have been graciously invited to join them.  We typically meet for lunch and sometimes a speaker at a restaurant in Vieux Lyon (the old part of town).  There was no speaker at today’s lunch which meant there were lots of interesting conversations – everything from bike riding in France to the current rail strikes to lack of parking in Lyon (a perennial topic) to the potential fallout from Obama’s speech in London re the possible “Brexit” to the US presidential race to past US presidents, etc., etc.  It is always a pleasure (and educational!) to discuss such a wide range of topics with people who speak English (sort of) and have a non-American perspective. 

We are already looking forward to next month’s Del Cano meeting.  You just never know what you will hear or learn!
Ensign of the Royal Air Force


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