For example, let’s put together a dinner:
For starters let’s go with
some little sandwiches made with a variety of breads and filled with yummy
things like cheese, salmon, and foie
gras. Just 5.95
€ ($6.70) for a box of 12. We took a box
of these to a dinner recently, and they were a huge hit. Just thaw and serve.
Now, let’s move on to the main
How about pavés
de bœuf marinés à l'échalote (steaks in a shallot marinade). A package of 2 is 5.95 €
($6.70) Just pop them in a fry pan, and cook
them as much as you prefer. We have had
these, and found them quite tender and good.
For starch let’s go with gratin
dauphinois. What? You can’t find your mandolin and don’t have
time to make béchamel sauce? Picard to
the rescue! Just pop this in the oven,
and, voilà, no one will know you haven’t been laboring on this dish all
afternoon. 2.60 € ($2.93) for 450 g (1 lb) We’ve fixed the mini-individual version, and
they are quite tasty.
Now, a vegetable. How about poêlée
aux pointes d'asperges vertes, aux cèpes et aux morilles (lightly fried asparagus tips, with mushrooms and morels prepared with cream, garlic, shallots and pine nuts)? Just heat and serve. We had this just the other night. It comes in a 450 g (1 lb) bag and costs 6.40 € ($7.21).
And, finally,
dessert. There are lots and lots to
choose from, but we’ve picked a perennial favorite: profiteroles. Just
thaw and serve. The
package of two boxes you see below costs 3.20 € ($3.60).
Not a bad dinner – don’t you
agree? Sure beats “peel back foil to
expose tater tots”!
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