Thursday, November 11, 2010

Can you believe everything you see? - Trompe-l'œil in Lyon

Trompe-l'œil is a French term literally meaning “deceive the eye.” It is an art technique that depicts objects and scenes extremely realistically and creates the illusion that those objects and scenes (which are actually flat) are in three dimensions. There are great examples of it on walls all over Lyon, and it’s fun to be walking around and suddenly see one. We thought you might enjoy seeing some examples so here are some pictures taken on our walk today.

 None of the windows is real, and the people depicted have all been important to Lyon's history.
Here's a "store front" we saw today.  Everything you see is paint - even the bulletin boards.
It was hard to get all of this one in.  As I was trying to find just the right spot to stand, I turned around and saw four other people doing the same thing!
Here's another one from today's walk.  Only the fire hydrant is real!


  1. I think you should take some classes in creating Trompe-l'oiel and paint it all over Kirkland when you return. What fun! I especially like the windowless-window building with famous French people!

  2. You are MUCH more artistic than I! I nominate you to paint it in Kirkland!
