Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Redecorating the Building Stairwell - Progress and Challenges

The downside of living in this charming old building is that because the [long-ago retrofitted] elevator is so small, David has had to carry his bicycle up and down four flights of VERY narrow stairs each time he goes out for a ride.

Looking up the Narrow Stairs towards our Apartment

Stairs Below the Above Stairs

Small Elevator!

Just Outside Our Apartment - Elevator and Stairs
When he does this, there is a certain amount of contact with the walls and the bike pedals and handlebars.

Not wanting to potentially mar the impending new paint, David has been experimenting with ways to keep parts of the bike from scraping the walls.  Below are some of his ideas being tried to cushion any contact between the bicycle and newly-painted walls.

David's Bike with Cardboard on a Pedal and
end of a Handlebar and a Sock on the Mirror

More re the progress on the stairwell to come!

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