Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Roche de Solutré and Solutré-Pouilly

Another day trip we enjoy when we are in Lyon is the “climb” up the Roche de Solutré.  Our trip starts with a pleasant drive to about 5 miles west of the city of Mâcon.  The Roche is a truly interesting prehistoric site - the area has been occupied by humans for at least 55,000 years.  (For those of you interested in more info on this, check out the Solutrean paleolithic culture – yes, it gets its name from the Roche.)

Looking up at the Roche de Solutré

The Roche de Solutré and neighboring Roche de Vergisson are in the cradle of the Pouilly-Fuissé wine appellation, in the Mâconnais subregion of Burgundy.  The views from the top of the Roche de Solutré are worth the hike itself.  Just lots of beautiful green vineyards, the village of Solutré-Pouilly, and the "twin" Roche de Vergisson nearby.

Looking down at Solutré-Pouilly from the top.

View from the top with 
Roche de Vergisson in the distance.

The French have done an excellent job of developing this site carefully.  There is an excellent museum, and a well-maintained, gravel path climbing up the Roche.  The signage along the path is great and points out views, plants, and history along the way.

Anna on the trail.

Trail Signage.

And, there’s an added bonus! After our first trip up the Roche, we went into Solutré-Pouilly in search of food.  There we stumbled on to a picturesque auberge and restaurant and a truly amazing lunch. 

La Courtille de Solutré 
(That's Anna to the left of the door.)

(We have since noticed the red Michelin stickers on the front of the restaurant.)  The food is amazing, the service is great, even the setting is lovely!  Note that we have found that reservations are definitely advised these days.

Hard to choose what to have!

Toasting our good fortune.

Ending with a delicious dessert.

Any time left before your drive back to Lyon?  How about some wine tasting? This is Pouilly-Fuissé country after all. There are several places to taste and purchase wine both in Solutré-Pouilly and in the surrounding area.  One of our favorites is Domaine Thibert Père et Fils, a family-owned winery in nearby Fuissé.

So next time you are in Lyon, be sure to take this side-trip.  We know we will!

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